The Books –
Flavors of Confidence
SOBER Method offers a holistic approach to recovery that extends beyond traditional addiction treatment. By combining Stoic philosophy with reflective Observations, personalized Behavior modification, and Execution of positive changes paves the way for the Restoration of self. This book serves an indispensable guide for those on the journey to sobriety while simultaneously helping anyone in pursuit of personal growth as they cultivate their distinct Flavor of Confidence™.
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A Reflection for Those in Need is Massimo's memoir and includes a brief outline of his original ten step method that he shared with people he met for several years. This is an incredibly raw story of the highs, lows and how he came to create the Flavors of Confidence™ method.
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"Life is not a rehearsal, so don't be afraid to rewrite your script and try something new, even if it's later in the play."